If you have moderate to severe sleep apnea, lose some weight. Being over-weight or obese can affect your breathing severely and can cause many health problems, including sleep apnea. Those individuals who lost at least twenty to twenty-five excess pounds saw a marked improvement in respiratory issues related to sleep apnea.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, sleep with a tennis ball underneath your shirt. Put the ball between your shoulder blades. This stops you from sleeping on your back, which can contribute to sleep apnea. When you sleep on your back, it’s easier for air passageways to get obstructed, so apnea patients are instructed to sleep on their stomach or side.
If you are suspected of suffering from sleep apnea, your physician may require you to be tested for the condition in a sleep disorder center. This procedure will typically include a polysomnogram or PSG.

A PSG is a sleep study that is made up of several parts that transmits and records your physical activities while at sleep. A sleep specialist analyzes the recordings in order to find out whether you have sleep apnea or any other type of sleep disorder.